International Trade
The problems of international trade that are less directly
connected with the subject of the conference actually concern
other international bodies. They were mentioned, however,
because rural development is influenced to quite an extent
by the stability of revenues and the functioning of international
The conference addressed itself to the industrial countries
requesting them to meet the obligations they had already entered
with a view to liberalizing trade and to removing the obstacles
to the trade for products which are of particular interest
to the developing countries. This also involves the extension
of the general preferential system to other products and goods,
the convention of international commodity agreements, and
the implementation of the Common Fund.
The developing countries,in turn, should remove obstacles
hindering the exportation of agricultural products and create
incentives to increase production, especially in the case
of small producers.This would require that even small farms
can share in the benefits resulting from the changes in prices
on the world market, but are protected against price fluctuations
by a stabilization fund or similar measures. If at all possible,
the products should be exported in a processed or finished
state to increase the profits. Exportation should not endanger
the domestic food supply.