Integrating Women in Rural Development
Before rural development can be successful, the important
role of women has to be acknowledged. Moreover, they have
to be fully integrated and given the possibility of acquiring
knowledge and skills, and of utilizing them as well.
The government should also abolish the legally based discrimination
of women fixed in inheritance rights; give them equal access
to land, livestock, and means of production; make it possible
for them to participate in business activities; and guarantee
them a right to membership and voting in labour organizations,
credit associations, and similar organizations.
The number of women in training and extension programmes
should be increased, especially in posts from which they have
been excluded until now. The contents and subjects of training
and extension programmes should be expanded so that the role
of women in production, processing, and marketing can also
be taken into account.
To achieve participation equal to that of men in public institutions,
the women's cooperative activities should be promoted. To
achieve this goal, it will be necessary to create a system
for ascertaining the obstacles hindering the participation
of women in schools, health services, employment, and general
development. Statistical data showing women's contribution
in production should be compiled and published. Measures facilitating
household work and care of the children increase the chance
for women to participate in economic, training, and political
activities. Men should also be obligated to do their share
of household work.
Training facilities of equal quality for girls and women,
with the same subject matter as for men, should be established
and made attractive by offering scholarships. These institutions
should be followed up by possibilities of earning an income
with the guarantee of an equal salary for equal work. Training
possibilities for women are especially important not only
in the fields of agriculture and in non- agricultural gainful
employment, but also in the sectors health, nutrition, children's
education, and family planning. It is necessary to make sure
that, during the transition from a traditional economy to
the modern technologies, the negative implications for women
are minimized.