1.2.6 Theory of Circular Causation
Myrdal opposes the strategy of development poles because social
systems and economic processes do not develop towards an equilibrium
but, on the contrary, factors tend to cumulate to positive
or negative cycles. Under laissez faire' conditions in developing
countries, there is a tendency towards a negative cumulation.
In principle, Myrdal's theory is a negation of the monocausal
explanation of problems of developing countries by economic
factors alone. Rather, in a comprehensive way, all social
relations have to be incorporated. At national level—different
stages of development between regions—as well as international
level— trade between industrialized and developing countries—differences
tend to increase because of the spread effects in the more
developed areas and modern sectors and backwash effects in
backward areas and traditional sectors. For instance, industrial
import goods are in competition with traditional crafts; terms
of trade deteriorate; capital is being transferred, etc. The
direction of processes depends on the initial situation and
the factors causing the change. Under the conditions in developing
countries, increased regional dualism often is a consequence
of such processes of circular causation.