Dualism theories assume a split of economic and social structures
of different sectors so that they differ in organization,
level of development, and goal structures. Usually, the concept
of economic dualism (BOEKE 1) differentiates between two sectors
of economy:
- the traditional subsistence sector consists of small-scale
ture, handicraft and petty trade, has a high degree of labour
intensity but low capital intensity and little division
of labour;
- the modern sector of capital-intensive industry and plantation
agriculture produces for the world market with a capital-intensive
mode of production with a high division of labour.
The two sectors have little relation and interdependence
and develop each according to its own pattern. The modern
sector can be considered an economic enclave of industrial
countries, and its multipli-cator and growth effects will
benefit the industrial countries but have little effect on
the internal market.
Several authors stress the dualism of specific factors.
ECKHAUS (4), for instance, differentiates, in his concept
of technological dualism, between labour and capital-intensive
sectors. GANNAGE (7) explains regional dualism as a lack of
communications and exchange between regions, the capital sometimes
being an island which, in geographical terms, belongs to the
developing country, in economic terms, however, to the industrialized
Economic, technological, and regional dualism are often
the consequence of a social dualism, the absence of relationships
between people of different race, religion, and language,
which, in many cases, is a legacy of colonialism.
Development in dualism concepts is the suppression of the
traditional sector by concentrating on and expanding the modern
sector. In time, it is assumed that the trickle down effects
will reduce and abolish dualism. In this line of thinking,
the main problem is capital formation because its degree determines
the scope and speed of expansion of the modern sector. In
general, agriculture has to provide the resources, labour
as well as capital, for expanding the modern sector. In details,
the strategies vary. Some authors, like LEWIS (14) and FEI/RANIS
(5), assumed that a reduction of the labour force in agriculture,
because of the widespread disguised unemployment, would not
reduce agricultural production. The productive employment
of these labourers in the modern sector would increase the
total production of the economy and hence priority of investment
in industry is necessary. Concentration on the modern sector
led to an increasing regional disparity, rural urban migration,
urban unemployment, a decrease in agricultural production,
and hindrance in industrial development because of a lack
of purchasing power in the rural areas. The anticipated trickle-down
effects hardly ever happened. In praxis, development plans
following this line of thinking led to failures like the early
Indian development planning. Therefore, other authors, like
JORGENSON (10), LELE (12), and MELLOR (17), emphasize the
important role of agriculture at the beginning of development,
i.e., preceding or parallel to industrial devel-,, opment
in order to provide enough internal resources for the development