
After an introduction in which the concepts used are defined, the paper is divided into three parts:

Part I gives a short review of the nature of deficiencies in the land tenure system and the reformatory measures applied until the beginning oft the Green Revolution are discussed. Considering the pressing needs, it is concluded that the past 25 years of agrarian reform have not met the challenge.

Part II is a reconsideration of land tenure relationship and agrarian structure in the context of the Green Revolution and brings the discussion up to date. It is concluded that, in spite of all its benefits, the Green Revolution has done little to solve the problems of land tenure and agrarian structure, but often aggravated them and made them more obvious to the rural population.

Part III is an attempt to reappraise the issue of land reform in the light of the new priorities arising out of the challenges and goals of the Second Development Decade. The emphasis is on the possibilities which an agrarian reform offers for the solution of the current problems of rural development. In this process, a number of theses are suggested which cast doubt on some widely held opinions.